Writing updates, sneak peeks and more!

Storm MC, Spin-offs, New series, and Next Gen Storm MC

Q/ Will you be pulling both chapters of Storm into King's books?

A/ I hate to give spoilers away, but the shit is about to hit the fan in King's Wrath, and our men will struggle to keep going. Lots of forces are against them. So I'll leave it to you to decide whether you think King might need to call on Scott and his guys 😉

Q/ After King's books, will the Storm series end? I hope it doesn't – I could read about them for years and years!!

A/ NO!! I'll be writing another book in the original Storm series in 2018. It will be Wilder's book. I'll also be creating “Storm MC Escapes”, shorts or chapters where we'll catch up with past couples and see where they are now. They'll be published on my website as I write them and may eventually end up in ebook form also for those readers who like to collect scenes together in the one place.

Q/ Have you had many stories that you've started but haven't finished, either because you're not feeling it or it just isn't working the way you thought it might?

A/ Yes. I have a lot of stories I started writing before I published Storm, of which one of them I'll finish at some point. I didn't end up finishing that book because I decided I'd prefer to write a story with bikers in it at that time, and Storm was born. I also have many stories plotted out in notebooks ready to write one day. As for stories not turning out the way I thought, Blade's book started out that way. I lost 40k words while writing that story, and when I had to start again, I decided I actually wasn't feeling what I'd written, so I started from scratch. That was only a few weeks before I published the book. It's amazing how when you're not feeling a book, the words just don't come, but the minute you switch it up, the words flow! Originally, I had Layla as a single mother, but the way she appeared on the page wasn't independent enough for me lol. I've always wanted to write a single mother book because I am one, and I have so much respect for women who do it all alone. One day I'll write a kick-ass single mother!

Q/ What book ideas do you have going forward? Any new series?

A/ So many ideas that I'm not sure when I'll fit them all in! When I started writing King's book, I knew I'd have a lot of new characters appearing who I intend to develop in a new series, so I took the time to map out the new series and begin developing these new characters. I've not done that before. I've always been a fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants writer. Even with Storm, I had no idea who any of the guys really were until I got to their individual books. They were always so vague in my mind, but equally distinct in some ways if that makes sense. If you've read any of the Roxie chapters I shared ages ago, you may be excited to know I'll finally be writing her book next year. And Serena's, too (she was Madison's best friend in the Storm series). They will both appear in what was to be titled the Stone Series. I'm not certain of the series name at the moment, but the series will remain the same. The guys are all ex-military and extremely alpha. You'll meet them in King's books! Other than that series, I'll begin the year with an office romance to be released in January! The first part of this story will release in an anthology on October 17 (more news to come soon on that!). I am in LOVE with this book, and can't wait to share it with you soon! It is titled Risk. And for my readers who have been hanging for the next Crave book, I'll be writing Van's story next year. That book will be a Crave/Storm crossover book. I'm really excited for that one!! And I will also hopefully be writing the next book in the Elixir series next year, too (Avery & Tyler's book). One last book, Her Kind of Crazy, should hopefully (fingers crossed!) publish late this year. It was originally published as a novella in an anthology. I'll be adding to it soon so it'll be a full length novel when it publishes. It's an opposites attract book about a laid-back tattoo artist who meets a highly-strung chick who schedules the shit out of her life lol. Such a fun read!

Q/ Will we get more Havoc?

A/ Yes!! You'll get to read more of his & Carla's story in the Storm MC Escapes.

Q/ Are you going to do books with the kids from Storm?

A/ I get asked this a LOT, so I probably will at some point, but it won't be in 2018. I LOVE the idea of seeing Scott Cole battle the guy who his daughter ends up with 😉

Q/ What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?

A/ I did a lot of research before and during writing Storm. Like a LOT. I needed to know enough about the biker lifestyle to make the stories somewhat realistic (even though I fully believe in artistic licence). I then decided to give my own twist to the motorcycle club in any way I decided. And I also decided that my bikers would be loyal as fuck. You may see some of my bikers skate along the edge of this, but none will ever cross the line completely. As for research in general, some books need more than others. For instance, Steal My Breath, needed a lot of research and reliable information about legal aspects of that story. I researched a lot of cases, and I also sought the advice of someone in my life who is a lawyer. And with King's books, I've sought the advice of a police officer to make sure some parts of this story are realistic. I have never added up the hours I spend researching, but it would be many! I research even the tiniest details in an effort to get things right.

Q/ Is Ashton Scott based on anyone you know?

A/ Fuck, I wish he was! Sadly, not at all. In fact, none of my men are. The only male character who has parts to his personality that come from people I know is Scott Cole. I took the best parts of four men in my life and some of the parts of another male in my life to create him. Harlow's mother, Cheryl, is my mum, down to the name and her love of cooking. Sophia from Illusive was inspired by my friend, Jodie. And there's a character in the novella I just finished writing, Risk, called Poppy. I only just realised last night while watching the show Younger, that Poppy is kinda based on Lauren. That wasn't intentional at all, but I totally saw the likeness!

Q/ What's the most difficult thing about writing characters from the opposite sex?

A/ Making sure they don't start thinking or talking like a female lol! For example, you'd never find a biker describing what a woman is wearing in detail, right? I have to admit I struggle with this in books I read when the man does this. Like, when they know exactly what type of dress a woman is wearing. I mean, I hardly know the different styles out there, how would a man? My bikers pretty much see clothes and imagine ripping them off! And they can think some deep thoughts, but I have to be really careful with how they express them and who to. Generally, though, I don't have to second-guess myself on any of this, thankfully!

And something from me – Havoc was the book I wrote the fastest. Prior to writing his story, I tended to delete a lot of dirty shit my bikers said or thought. A lot of it got through, but sometimes I would think “Mmm, this might be just a little too dirty” lol, but with Havoc and Carla, I just let them fall onto the page, dirty mouths and all. It was a fun book to write! And now I let my bikers be as dirty as they want!

If you've got a question you'd like me to answer here, please fill out this form.

PS One last thing I get asked a lot is when will King's books be released? I'm aiming for a late September release on King's Wrath. His second book, King's Reign, won't be out until late November or December (mostly because I'm away for signings all of October, so my writing schedule will be slowed down.).

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Nina Levine • Since 2013



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