I'm back home from my month-long trip to the States for author signings and a conference and am deep in the cave working on King's book – yay!! I've found this book difficult to write so far. Not because of King, but because of all the series threads I need to tie together in this book and the next one. I've been leaving lots of unanswered things throughout the series and now it's time for them all to come into play. And that shit is tricky to do!
I've found myself editing what I've written, over and over. And agonising over word selection in ways I've never stressed about them. King is so special to me and I want to get his book perfect for you. And for me!! I am so sad to see the end of this series coming. And this may sound weird, but I am kinda sad to be writing King's books. He's been this huge presence in my mind for years now. YEARS!! I first introduced him in the original Storm series (maybe in Nash's book? I can't quite recall. But he definitely appeared in Havoc's book that I actually wrote the first part of in 2014). His story has played out in my head all that time, and I've anticipated writing it with excitement. To know that it will be written soon and that I won't get this time with him again is a little sad.
But I am also really excited to be writing this book because not only am I getting all this time with King, I am introducing new characters to you!! And let me tell you, these are some hot-ass new alphas *fans self* They aren't bikers. They are all ex-military. Aussie military! I know you love some hot dirty talking Aussies! Their series is coming next year. I can't wait to introduce you to Zane Stone, Axe King & Liam (surname to be decided still). And did you see what I slipped in there? Look at Axe's last name… *such a tease*
I still don't have a release date set for King's Wrath because I want to get closer to finishing the book before I announce that. But I will be running lots of giveaways from here on out to celebrate his books. I currently have a Goodreads giveaway running for a King paperback that you can enter here. Also, join my reader group on Facebook for more giveaways!
Okay, I'm logging off now to get back to King! Hope you have an awesome day!
N xx
So love your books, don’t ever stop writing them!!